Installing Jabberwocky

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

Installing Jabberwocky on Linux (binary package)

  1. Download the jabberwocky.x.y.bin.tgz (jabberwocky.1.4.2.x.y.bin.tgz for java 1.4.x) file and expand it using 'tar -xvzf jabberwocky.x.y.tgz (jabberwocky.1.4.2.x.y.bin.tgz) in a working directory.
  2. If you want to install Jabberwocky in a directory with restricted access, ensure that you has administrative rights in the installation directory (which must be different from the working directory). The default install directory is /usr/local, which needs administrative rights. The installation directory must be different from the working directory.
  3. Go to this workdirectory and run the 'installbin' install script, the following windows appear then:
    1. Install Log window
    2. The Install Window
  4. Choose the correct installation settings:
    1. Install Directory
      The directory to install to, the default is '/usr/local/Jabberwocky'. This directory must be different from the working directory..
    2. Install Directory Jabberwocky script
      The directory to install the Jabberwocky script used to start Jabberwocky. The default is '/usr/local/bin'. You should ensure that this directory is in your PATH environment variable.
    3. CLISP
      Enable this if you want to debug in CLISP or have a interaction buffer to CLISP. If needed you can change the command to start CLISP.
    4. CMUCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in CMUCL or have a interaction buffer to CMUCL. If needed you can change the command to start CMUCL.
    5. SBCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in SBCL or have a interaction buffer to SBCL. If needed you can change the command to start SBCL.
    6. GCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in GCL or have a interaction buffer to GCL. If needed you can change the command to start GCL. Be warned however that GCL must be compiled with ansi compatibility (preferable you should use version 2.7 or higher)
    7. ACL
      Enable this if you want to debug in Allegro CL or have a interaction buffer to ACL. If needed you can change the command to start ACL.
  5. Press the Install button to start the installation.
  6. Once Jabberwocky is successfully installed, you can start it by typing Jabberwocky.

Installing Jabberwocky on Linux (source package)

  1. Download the jabberwocky.x.y.tgz file.
  2. Expand this file usng 'tar -xvzf jabberwocky.x.y.tgz in a working directory.
  3. If you want to install Jabberwocky in a directory with restricted access, ensure that you has administrative rights. The default install directory is /usr/local, which needs administrative rights. The installation directory must be different from the working directory.
  4. The install routine uses a window environment, so ensure that X-Windows is started.
  5. Expand the Jabberwocky.x.y.tgz (x=version,y=build) file in a work directory of your choice by executing 'tar -xvzf jabberwocky.x.y.tgz'
  6. Execute 'cd Jabberwocky' to go to the expanded directory.
  7. Execute 'install', the following windows appears then :
    1. Install Log window
    2. The Install Window
  8. Choose the correct installation settings:
    1. Install Directory
      The directory to install to, the default is '/usr/local/Jabberwocky'. The installation directory must be different from the working directory.
    2. Install Directory Jabberwocky script
      The directory to install the Jabberwocky script used to start Jabberwocky. You should ensure that this directory is in your PATH environment variable. The default is '/usr/local/bin'
    3. CLISP
      Enable this if you want to debug in CLISP or have a interaction buffer to CLISP. If needed you can change the command to start CLISP
    4. CMUCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in CMUCL or have a interaction buffer to CLISP. If needed you can change the command to start CMUCL
    5. SBCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in SBCL or have a interaction buffer to SBCL. If needed you can change the command to start SBCL.
    6. GCL
      Enable this if you want to debug in GCL or have a interaction buffer to GCL. If needed you can change the command to start GCL. Be warned however that GCL must be compiled with ansi compatibility (preferable you should use version 2.7 or higher)
    7. ACL
      Enable this if you want to debug in Allegro CL or have a interaction buffer to ACL. If needed you can change the command to start ACL.
    8. Ant
      If you plan to tinker with the java source code of Jabberwocky, ant will save you a lot of trouble in compiling and making the jar file. The fact that you are using the source distribution is an indication that you want to meddle with the source code. It speeds up the entire installation process considerable. If you have not already installed ant, download it from and follow the instructions for installation.
  9. Press the Install button to start the installation.
  10. If you have not received any error during the installation, you execute 'Jabberwocky' to start Jabberwocky.

Installing Jabberwocky on Windows 2000(XP)/98/95/2003(binary package)

  • Download the ( for java 1.4.2) file.
  • Use Winzip or another zip tool to expand this file in a working directory of your choice. Be carefull that you configure the zip tool to create empty directories.
  • Go to this working directory and run the 'setup.bat' install script, the following windows appear then: