action | key | Lisp Function | Description |
addproject | IDE-addproject | Adds a project to the projects window. | |
addwatch | <F11> | IDE-addwatch | Adds a watch point to the current buffer if this buffer is in debug mode. |
asdf | IDE-asdf | Configure the ASDF support of Jabberwocky | |
asdfinstall | IDE-asdfinstall | use asdf-install to install a lisp package | |
backspace | <Backspace> | IDE-backspace | Delete the previous character |
blinkingrate | IDE-blinkingrate | Sets the blinking interval of the cursor. | |
charactercompletion | IDE-charactercompletion | Turns on/off character completion. With character completion typing a ( you get automatically the ) and typing " gives the closing ". | |
clickProjectSetCurrentDirectory | IDE-clickprojectsetcurrentdirectory | Turns on/off the setting of the current directory to the project directory when clicking on a project. | |
clispbug | IDE-clispbug | Work around for a bug in CLISP and sending a single return | |
close | IDE-close | If the buffer is modified since the last save, ask to save the buffer and then destroys the source buffer. | |
collaps | <Alt-C> | IDE-collaps | Collaps the lines covering the current element in one single line. |
collapsedfont | IDE-collapsedfont | Set the font used for the display of collapsed code | |
colorarray | IDE-colorarray | Set the foreground color of arrays. | |
colorbackground | IDE-colorbackground | Set the background color of a buffer. | |
colorbackgroundline | IDE-colorbackgroundline | Set the background color of the linenumbers. | |
colorbackquote | IDE-colorbackquote | Sets the foreground color of backquoted forms. | |
colorbreakpoint | IDE-colorbreakpoint | Set the background color of breakpoints. | |
colorcaller | IDE-colorcaller | Set the foreground color of the calling function/macro of a lispform. | |
colorcharacter | IDE-colorcharacter | Set the foreground color of a LISP character literal. | |
colorcollapsed | IDE-colorcollapsed | Sets the foreground color of collapsed code | |
colorcomment | IDE-colorcomment | Set the foreground color of the comments. | |
colorcommentinstructions | IDE-colorcommentinstructions | Sets the foreground color of instructions in comments | |
colorcursor | IDE-colorcursor | Set the foreground color of the cursor. | |
colorendline | IDE-colorendline | Set the foreground color of the point representing a end of line. | |
colorexecutedcode | IDE-colorexecutedcode | During debugging, background color of the code executed before entering the debugger. | |
colorexecutingcode | IDE-colorexecutingcode | During debugging, background color of the code to be executed when leaving the debugger. | |
colorfalsefeature | IDE-colorfalsefeature | Sets the foreground color of a false feature | |
colorforeground | IDE-colorforeground | Foreground color of the buffers. | |
colorforegroundline | IDE-colorforegroundline | Foreground color of the linenumbers. | |
colorhint | IDE-colorhint | Sets the background color of the hint/values | |
colorhook | IDE-colorhook | Background color of the hooks (used in parenthese matching). | |
colorkeyword | IDE-colorkeyword | Foreground color keywords. | |
colorlist | IDE-colorlist | Background color of the list containing the cursor (if list highlighting is enabled). | |
colornextstop | IDE-colornextstop | Background color of the indicated next stop during debugging. | |
colornumber | IDE-colornumber | Set the foreground color of a LISP number literal. | |
coloroutputinteraction | IDE-coloroutputinteraction | Set the foreground color of the output from a process in the interaction buffer | |
colorprofiling | IDE-colorprofiling | Background color used to highlight the lisp forms executed at least as many times as indicated by the profile slider. | |
colorquote | IDE-colorquote | Sets the foreground color of the quoted forms. | |
colorsearch | IDE-colorsearch | Background color to show matches during search operation. | |
colorselected | IDE-colorselected | Sets the background color of the selected nodes in a Project Explorer/Watches and Macros | |
colorselection | IDE-colorselection | Background color used to highlight the selected text. | |
colorstring | IDE-colorstring | Foreground color of a string literal. | |
colortruefeature | IDE-colortruefeature | Sets the foreground color of a true feature | |
colorvariable | IDE-colorvariable | Sets the color of a lexical bound variable. | |
commandhistorylength | IDE-commandhistorylength | Set the lengh of the command history | |
commentfont | IDE-commentfont | Set the font used for comment elements. | |
commentuncomment | IDE-commentuncomment | Comment/uncomment the element covering the cursor position. | |
compileeditor | IDE-compileeditor | Compile the content of the current editor buffer, using the process in the current interaction buffer. | |
continue | <F5> | IDE-continue | Returns control from the debugger to the debugged program. |
copy | <Ctrl-Insert> | IDE-copy | Copies the text selected in the current buffer to the copy buffer. |
cut | <Ctrl-Delete> | IDE-cut | Copies the text selected in the current buffer to the copy buffer and removes the selected text. |
deadkeymanagment | IDE-deadkeymanagment | Allows you to associatie a character with a key combination, used to solve some problems with java an international keyboards. | |
debug | <F6> | IDE-debug | Starts a debugging session for the current source buffer using the current interaction window. |
debugform | <Ctrl-D> | IDE-debugform | Debug the selected code (or the current lispform) in a separate window. |
defaultfont | IDE-defaultfont | Set the default font used by the buffers. | |
delete | <Shift-Delete> | IDE-delete | Deletes the selected text in the current buffer. |
deletecurrentelement | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-E> | IDE-deletecurrentelement | Deletes the word covering the cursor position. |
deletecurrentleaf | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-W> | IDE-deletecurrentleaf | Delete the current leaf |
deleteinteraction | IDE-deleteinteraction | Put all buffers in debugmode which uses this interaction in edit mode. Remove all watchpoints using this interaction. Stops the lispprocess and close the buffer associated with this lisp process. | |
deleteline | <Ctrl-K> | IDE-deleteline | Delete the line covering the cursor position |
deletetoplevelelement | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-T> | IDE-deletetoplevelelement | Delete the toplevel element covering the cursor position. |
deletewatch | IDE-deletewatch | Remove the watch pane | |
displayversion | IDE-displayversion | Display the version info of Jabberwocky | |
down | <Down> | IDE-down | Move the cursor in the current edit buffer one line down |
editwatch | IDE-editwatch | Starts a editor buffer allowing you to change the expression associated with the watchpoint selected in the watch explorer. | |
enclosenextform | <Alt-N> | IDE-enclosenextform | If the cursor is on a symbol enclose this symbol with parentheses, otherwise enclose the next form with parentheses and move the cursor after the first added parenthese |
execute | <Ctrl-Enter> | IDE-execute | Execute the selected command in the command history. |
exit | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-C> | IDE-exit | Closes all the open buffers, stops all lisp processes and exit Jabberwocky. |
expand | <Alt-E> | IDE-expand | Expands a collapsed line. |
explorerfont | IDE-explorerfont | Set the font used for the Project Explorer | |
findandreplace | <Ctrl-F> | IDE-findandreplace | Starts a dialog box for search and replace in the current buffer (or all the files in a choosen project). You can do a regular expression search or a normal case sensitive (insensitive) string search. |
future | IDE-future | Go one frame forward in time. The lisp form which was executed after the current highlighted form is highlighted and the saved lexical environment of that moment is restored. If the maximum depth of the time buffer is reached a wrap around is taken place. | |
generatehtmlcode | IDE-generatehtmlcode | Generate a file actions.html in the installation directory and the source directory (if it exists) containing the actions, their keybinding , a short description and their associated LISP function in the JABBERWOCKY package. | |
generatelispcode | IDE-generatelispcode | Generates a file jabberwocky.lisp in the installation directory and the source directory (if it still exists) containing the lisp function definitions to interact with the IDE from within LISP. These functions are created in the package "JABBERWOCKY". For every action and question there will be a equivalent function defined. | |
gotoline | <Alt-G> | IDE-gotoline | Ask for a line number and jumps to this line in the current editor. |
help | <F1> | IDE-help | Show Help |
highlightlist | IDE-highlightlist | Turns on/off the automatically highlighting of the element covering the cursor positions. | |
hintdown | <Alt-Down> | IDE-hintdown | Move one line down in the hint list. |
hintup | <Alt-Up> | IDE-hintup | Move one line up in the hint list. |
hovertimeout | IDE-hovertimeout | Set the wait time before displaying the value of the variable containing the cursor (usefull during debugging). | |
hyperspec | <F2> | IDE-hyperspec | Show the hyperspec documentation |
hyperspeccontext | <Shift-F1> | IDE-hyperspeccontext | Show the hyperspec help for the current context |
hyperspecdir | IDE-hyperspecdir | Starts a directory selecton dialog to specify the directory containing the HyperSpec documentation | |
indentate | <Tab> | IDE-indentate | Add spaces to the begin of the line so that the code on this line is correctly indentated. |
indentatedocument | IDE-indentatedocument | Indentate the document | |
indentateelement | <Shift-Tab> | IDE-indentateelement | Indentate the toplevel element containing the cursor. |
indentateonenter | IDE-indentateonenter | Turns on/of the automatically indentation when pressing enter. | |
inserttab | <Alt-T> | IDE-inserttab | Insert a tab character. |
instrumentcheckerror | IDE-instrumentcheckerror | Turns on/off the generating of extra debugging code, that causes entering the debugger when a error occurs during execution. | |
instrumentdebugafter | IDE-instrumentdebugafter | Turns on/off the generating of extra debugging code, to allow stopping after evaluating a form | |
keybinding | IDE-keybinding | Displays a dialog box allowing you to change the keysequences acting as a shortcut for actions. | |
left | <Left> | IDE-left | Move the cursor in the current edit buffer to the left |
linenumbers | IDE-linenumbers | Turns on/off the display of line numbers in the buffers. | |
lispstartupscript | IDE-lispstartupscript | Starts a file dialog to select the file to be loaded at the start of a interaction buffer. | |
loadconfiguration | IDE-loadconfiguration | Load the configuration settings of a another configuration file | |
loadeditor | <Ctrl-L> | IDE-loadeditor | Load the content of the current editor buffer in the process in the current interaction buffer. |
loadelements | IDE-loadelements | Load the content of the current editor buffer in the process in the current interaction buffer. This is done element by element and every load error is shown in the TaskManager | |
macrosfont | IDE-macrosfont | Set the font used for the Macro pane | |
managecommands | IDE-managecommands | Manage the command used by a interaction buffer to start the interaction to communicate with | |
maxheapjava | IDE-maxheapjava | Modifies the batch file to start Jabberwocky so that we increase the maximum heap size for the java vm, you need this for large projects | |
maxlinelength | IDE-maxlinelength | Set the max line length used by the indentation engine. | |
moveclosinghook | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Right> | IDE-moveclosinghook | Move the closing parenthese of the current form to the end of the parent form |
moveopeninghook | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Left> | IDE-moveopeninghook | Move the opening parenthese of the current form to the begin of the parent form |
movetobegin | <Ctrl-Home> | IDE-movetobegin | Move the cursor to the begin of the document |
movetobeginline | <Ctrl-A> | IDE-movetobeginline | Move the cursor to the begin lof the current line. |
movetobeginlist | <Alt-Left> | IDE-movetobeginlist | Move the cursor to begin list |
movetoend | <Ctrl-End> | IDE-movetoend | Move the cursor to end of the document |
movetoendline | <Ctrl-E> | IDE-movetoendline | Move the cursor to end of the current line |
movetoendlist | <Alt-Right> | IDE-movetoendlist | Move the cursor to the end of the list containing the cursor. |
movetonextleaf | <Ctrl-Right> | IDE-movetonextleaf | Move the cursor to the begin of the next element at the same level in its parent list. |
movetoprevleaf | <Ctrl-Left> | IDE-movetoprevleaf | Move the cursor to the end of the previous element at the same level in its parent list. |
new | IDE-new | Opens a new empty editor buffer. | |
newinteractionclisp | IDE-newinteractionclisp | Starts a new process to run clisp and creates a new interaction buffer to interact with this process. | |
newinteractioncmucl | IDE-newinteractioncmucl | Starts a new process to run cmucl and creates a new interaction buffer to interact with this process. | |
newinteractionsbcl | IDE-newinteractionsbcl | Starts a new process to run sbcl and creates a new interaction buffer to interact with this process. | |
newinteractionsgcl | IDE-newinteractionsgcl | Starts a new process to run gcl and creates a new interaction buffer to interact with this process. | |
newwatch | IDE-newwatch | Creates a watch buffer associated with the current interaction buffer. This watch buffer can be used to type in lisp forms and see there results while debugging a program. | |
next | <Ctrl-T> | IDE-next | Switch to the next editor buffer in the interaction or editor pane. If the last buffer is reached switch back to the first buffer. |
open | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-F> | IDE-open | Starts a file dialog box to open a file and create a edit buffer for this file. |
outputinteractionfont | IDE-outputinteractionfont | Set the font used for the output of a process in the interaction buffer. | |
pagedown | <Page Down> | IDE-pagedown | Move one page down (in the current editor buffer) |
pageup | <Page Up> | IDE-pageup | Move one page up (in the current editor buffer) |
past | IDE-past | Go one frame back in time. The lisp form which was executed before the current highlighted form is highlighted and the saved lexical environment of that moment is restored. If the maximum depth of the time buffer is reached a wrap around is taken place. | |
paste | <Shift-Insert> | IDE-paste | Paste the text in the clipboard after the cursor in the current buffer. |
redo | <Alt-R> | IDE-redo | Redo last edit |
remove | <Delete> | IDE-remove | Remove the selected text in the current buffer or if no text is selected delete the character after the cursor. |
removetabsonload | IDE-removetabsonload | Remove the tab characters when a source is opened. | |
removewatch | IDE-removewatch | Remove the watchpoint selected in the watch explorer. | |
replacebyhint | <Alt-Enter> | IDE-replacebyhint | Replace the element containing the cursor by the selected hint value. |
replaceeditor | IDE-replaceeditor | Replace the document associated with a buffer. | |
replayrecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-R> | IDE-replayrecording | Asks for a macro name (if you press enter without giving a name the current macro will be used) and replays the macro. |
requestfeatures | IDE-requestfeatures | Ask the current lisp interaction buffer for the feature lisp and uses this list to set the features in the repository | |
return | <Shift-Enter> | IDE-return | Send a Return to the process |
right | <Right> | IDE-right | Move the cursor in the current edit buffer to the right |
save | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-S> | IDE-save | Save the contents of the current buffer. |
saveas | IDE-saveas | Starts a dialog box to get a file name and save the current buffer in it. | |
saveconfiguration | IDE-saveconfiguration | Save the configuration settings in the $HOME/.Jabberwocky./LispIDE file. | |
searchandreplace | <Ctrl-R> | IDE-searchandreplace | Start a search and replace session. |
searchbackward | <Ctrl-P> | IDE-searchbackward | Search backwards in the current buffer (Incremental search). |
searchforward | <Ctrl-N> | IDE-searchforward | Search forwards in the current buffer (Incremental search). |
selectcommand | <Ctrl-H> | IDE-selectcommand | Select command of command hsitory |
selectcurrentelement | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-E> | IDE-selectcurrentelement | Select the element covering the current cursor position. |
selectcurrentleaf | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-W> | IDE-selectcurrentleaf | Select the word covering the current cursor position. |
selectline | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-L> | IDE-selectline | Select the current line. |
selecttoplevelelement | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-T> | IDE-selecttoplevelelement | Select the toplevel element covering the cursor position. |
setautosaveinterval | IDE-setautosaveinterval | Set the interval for the auto save (0 means no autosave) in seconds | |
setbrowser | IDE-setbrowser | Set the browser for help | |
setcurrentdirectory | IDE-setcurrentdirectory | Set the current diretory for all interaction buffers and set the default directory for all file dialogs | |
setlookandfeel | IDE-setlookandfeel | Sets the general look and feel of Jabberwocky | |
setnewreturnvalue | <F12> | IDE-setnewreturnvalue | Change the value of the just executed lispform (only when current editor is in debug mode and when you have done a stepafter). |
shortenselection | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-D> | IDE-shortenselection | Widen the selection so that it selects the parent element of the current selected element. |
sigcont | IDE-sigcont | Send Continue signal to process in the current interaction buffer | |
sigint | <Ctrl-C> | IDE-sigint | Send Interrupt signal to process in the current interaction buffer |
sigkill | IDE-sigkill | Send Kill signal to process in the current interaction buffer | |
sigquit | IDE-sigquit | Send Quit signal to process in the current interaction buffer | |
sigstop | IDE-sigstop | Send Stop signal to process in the current interaction buffer | |
splithorizontal | IDE-splithorizontal | Split the current buffer in a left and right buffer, each new buffer is using the same document. | |
splitvertical | IDE-splitvertical | Split the current buffer in a bottom and upper part buffer, each buffer using the same document. | |
startprofiling | IDE-startprofiling | Only valid for a editor in debug mode. Starts profiling or reset the profile counters. The debugger will count the number of times a lisp form is called during execution. Displays also a slider to highlight the forms with call count higer or equal to the sliders value. | |
startrecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-B> | IDE-startrecording | Start recording of the activation of all actions (with the exception of course of the replayrecording,startrecording and stoprecording action). If a action activates a question via the instruction field, record also the activity in the instruction field. |
stepinto | <F7> | IDE-stepinto | Give control to the program, stopping before execution of the next form. |
stepover | <F8> | IDE-stepover | Give control to the program, stopping at the next form having the same parent as the current form. |
stopafter | <F10> | IDE-stopafter | Execute the current lisp form and returns to the debugger before executing the next form. |
stopat | <F4> | IDE-stopat | Stop At |
stopprofiling | IDE-stopprofiling | Stop the profiling of a lisp program. The debugger will not track any more the amout of time that a lisp form is called. Will remove also the slider to display the profile information. | |
stoprecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-E> | IDE-stoprecording | Stop de macro recording and saves the recorded information in the current macro. Ask then for a name for the current macro and create a macro with that name. |
switch | <Ctrl-I> | IDE-switch | Switch between the editor pane and the interaction pan. |
tablength | IDE-tablength | Sets the length used to define the tab positions (in points) | |
tabwidth | IDE-tabwidth | Sets the number of spaces to be used as a replacement for tab positions. | |
timeoutstopprocess | IDE-timeoutstopprocess | Set's the time Jabberwocky waits for a interaction process to stop when Jabberwocky stops. | |
togglebreakpoint | <F9> | IDE-togglebreakpoint | Enable/ disable a breakpoint on the current form. |
togglecondbreakpoint | <Shift-F9> | IDE-togglecondbreakpoint | Enable/Disable a conditional breakpoint on the current form. |
togglehint | <Alt-Space> | IDE-togglehint | Show/Hide the hint window. |
undebug | <Shift-F6> | IDE-undebug | Load the original code of a source, disabling the debugging of this source. |
undo | <Alt-U> | IDE-undo | Undo last modification in the current buffer. |
up | <Up> | IDE-up | Move the cursor in the current edit buffer one line up |
usetabsforindentation | IDE-usetabsforindentation | Use tabs when the code is indentated. | |
watchesfont | IDE-watchesfont | Set the font used for the Watches pane | |
watchleaf | IDE-watchleaf | Watch the current word (is considered a variable). | |
widenselection | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-U> | IDE-widenselection | Widen the selection so that it selects the parent element of the current selected element. |
xsltdefinition | IDE-xsltdefinition | XSLT file to transform the XML file containing the description of a Lisp definition to HTML | |
xsltdefinitions | IDE-xsltdefinitions | XSLT file to transform the XML file containing the list of all Lisp definitions to HTML | |
xsltpackage | IDE-xsltpackage | XSLT file to transform the XML file containing the description of all Lisp definition in a package to HTML | |
xsltpackages | IDE-xsltpackages | XSLT file to transform the XML file containing the list of all the packages to HTML |
description | action | key | Lisp Function |
Indentate Line | indentate | <Tab> | IDE-indentate |
Add Project | addproject | IDE-addproject | |
Add Watch | addwatch | <F11> | IDE-addwatch |
Dead key managment | deadkeymanagment | IDE-deadkeymanagment | |
Go to line | gotoline | <Alt-G> | IDE-gotoline |
Get the list of features from lisp | requestfeatures | IDE-requestfeatures | |
Replay Recording | replayrecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-R> | IDE-replayrecording |
Color Hook | colorhook | IDE-colorhook | |
Color Next Stop | colornextstop | IDE-colornextstop | |
Color List | colorlist | IDE-colorlist | |
Color Search | colorsearch | IDE-colorsearch | |
Color Profiling | colorprofiling | IDE-colorprofiling | |
Color Selection | colorselection | IDE-colorselection | |
Set New Return Value | setnewreturnvalue | <F12> | IDE-setnewreturnvalue |
Exit | exit | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-C> | IDE-exit |
collaps | collaps | <Alt-C> | IDE-collaps |
Comment/uncomment the current element | commentuncomment | IDE-commentuncomment | |
Compile Editor Content | compileeditor | IDE-compileeditor | |
Configure ASDF for Jabberwocky | asdf | IDE-asdf | |
cut | cut | <Ctrl-Delete> | IDE-cut |
copy | copy | <Ctrl-Insert> | IDE-copy |
New Watch Window | newwatch | IDE-newwatch | |
Debug Selection/Form | debugform | <Ctrl-D> | IDE-debugform |
Delete the current leaf | deletecurrentleaf | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-W> | IDE-deletecurrentleaf |
Delete the current line | deleteline | <Ctrl-K> | IDE-deleteline |
Delete Previous Character | backspace | <Backspace> | IDE-backspace |
Delete the toplevel element | deletetoplevelelement | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-T> | IDE-deletetoplevelelement |
delete | delete | <Shift-Delete> | IDE-delete |
Delete the current element | deletecurrentelement | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-E> | IDE-deletecurrentelement |
About | displayversion | IDE-displayversion | |
Change Keybinding | keybinding | IDE-keybinding | |
Color Executed Code | colorexecutedcode | IDE-colorexecutedcode | |
Color Executing Code | colorexecutingcode | IDE-colorexecutingcode | |
Toggle Breakpoint | togglebreakpoint | <F9> | IDE-togglebreakpoint |
Toggle Conditional Breakpoint | togglecondbreakpoint | <Shift-F9> | IDE-togglecondbreakpoint |
Stop After | stopafter | <F10> | IDE-stopafter |
Execute | execute | <Ctrl-Enter> | IDE-execute |
expand | expand | <Alt-E> | IDE-expand |
Color Keyword | colorkeyword | IDE-colorkeyword | |
Color String | colorstring | IDE-colorstring | |
Color Foreground | colorforeground | IDE-colorforeground | |
Color ForegroundLine | colorforegroundline | IDE-colorforegroundline | |
Generate HTML documentation of actions | generatehtmlcode | IDE-generatehtmlcode | |
Generate Lisp Binding | generatelispcode | IDE-generatelispcode | |
Step Over | stepover | <F8> | IDE-stepover |
Step Into | stepinto | <F7> | IDE-stepinto |
Step Backward In Time | past | IDE-past | |
Step Forward In Time | future | IDE-future | |
Close File | close | IDE-close | |
Enclose the currrent symbol or next element with parentheses | enclosenextform | <Alt-N> | IDE-enclosenextform |
Indentate the document | indentatedocument | IDE-indentatedocument | |
Indentate Element | indentateelement | <Shift-Tab> | IDE-indentateelement |
Insert Tab | inserttab | <Alt-T> | IDE-inserttab |
Load Configuration | loadconfiguration | IDE-loadconfiguration | |
Load Editor Content | loadeditor | <Ctrl-L> | IDE-loadeditor |
Load Editor Content With Error Check | loadelements | IDE-loadelements | |
Finish Debugging Document | undebug | <Shift-F6> | IDE-undebug |
Manage the commands to start a interaction | managecommands | IDE-managecommands | |
Max heap size of java vm | maxheapjava | IDE-maxheapjava | |
Go down in hint list | hintdown | <Alt-Down> | IDE-hintdown |
Go up in hint list | hintup | <Alt-Up> | IDE-hintup |
Move one page down | pagedown | <Page Down> | IDE-pagedown |
Move one page up | pageup | <Page Up> | IDE-pageup |
Move the closing parenthese of the current form to the end of the parent form. | moveclosinghook | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Right> | IDE-moveclosinghook |
Move Down | down | <Down> | IDE-down |
Move Up | up | <Up> | IDE-up |
Move Left | left | <Left> | IDE-left |
Move Right | right | <Right> | IDE-right |
Move the cursor to begin list | movetobeginlist | <Alt-Left> | IDE-movetobeginlist |
Move the cursor to end of line | movetoendline | <Ctrl-E> | IDE-movetoendline |
Move the cursor to end of the document | movetoend | <Ctrl-End> | IDE-movetoend |
Move the cursor to begin line | movetobeginline | <Ctrl-A> | IDE-movetobeginline |
Move the cursor to the begin of the document | movetobegin | <Ctrl-Home> | IDE-movetobegin |
Move the cursor to next word | movetonextleaf | <Ctrl-Right> | IDE-movetonextleaf |
Move the cursor to end of list | movetoendlist | <Alt-Right> | IDE-movetoendlist |
Move the cursor to prev word | movetoprevleaf | <Ctrl-Left> | IDE-movetoprevleaf |
Move the opening parenthese of the current form to the begin of the parent form. | moveopeninghook | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Left> | IDE-moveopeninghook |
Start (reset) profiling | startprofiling | IDE-startprofiling | |
New File | new | IDE-new | |
paste | paste | <Shift-Insert> | IDE-paste |
Delete Interaction | deleteinteraction | IDE-deleteinteraction | |
Redo last edit | redo | <Alt-R> | IDE-redo |
Delete Character | remove | <Delete> | IDE-remove |
Remove tabs on load | removetabsonload | IDE-removetabsonload | |
Delete Watch | deletewatch | IDE-deletewatch | |
Remode Watch | removewatch | IDE-removewatch | |
Replace Document | replaceeditor | IDE-replaceeditor | |
Replace by the Hint | replacebyhint | <Alt-Enter> | IDE-replacebyhint |
Continue | continue | <F5> | IDE-continue |
Save Configuration | saveconfiguration | IDE-saveconfiguration | |
Save File | save | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-S> | IDE-save |
Search Backward | searchbackward | <Ctrl-P> | IDE-searchbackward |
Search Forward | searchforward | <Ctrl-N> | IDE-searchforward |
Select command of command history | selectcommand | <Ctrl-H> | IDE-selectcommand |
Select the current line | selectline | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-L> | IDE-selectline |
Select the current element | selectcurrentelement | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-E> | IDE-selectcurrentelement |
Select the toplevel element | selecttoplevelelement | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-T> | IDE-selecttoplevelelement |
Select the current leaf | selectcurrentleaf | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-W> | IDE-selectcurrentleaf |
Send Continue | sigcont | IDE-sigcont | |
Send Interrupt | sigint | <Ctrl-C> | IDE-sigint |
Send Kill | sigkill | IDE-sigkill | |
Send Quit | sigquit | IDE-sigquit | |
Send Stop | sigstop | IDE-sigstop | |
Return | return | <Shift-Enter> | IDE-return |
Color Background | colorbackground | IDE-colorbackground | |
Color Breakpoint | colorbreakpoint | IDE-colorbreakpoint | |
Color Background Line | colorbackgroundline | IDE-colorbackgroundline | |
Set the browser for help | setbrowser | IDE-setbrowser | |
Set the current directory | setcurrentdirectory | IDE-setcurrentdirectory | |
Default Font | defaultfont | IDE-defaultfont | |
Font Comment | commentfont | IDE-commentfont | |
Font Macros | macrosfont | IDE-macrosfont | |
Font Project Explorer | explorerfont | IDE-explorerfont | |
Font Watches | watchesfont | IDE-watchesfont | |
Font collapsed code | collapsedfont | IDE-collapsedfont | |
Font Output of interaction | outputinteractionfont | IDE-outputinteractionfont | |
Color Character | colorcharacter | IDE-colorcharacter | |
Color Number | colornumber | IDE-colornumber | |
Color Array | colorarray | IDE-colorarray | |
Color Caller | colorcaller | IDE-colorcaller | |
Color Comment | colorcomment | IDE-colorcomment | |
Color Cursor | colorcursor | IDE-colorcursor | |
Color Output Interaction | coloroutputinteraction | IDE-coloroutputinteraction | |
Color Endline | colorendline | IDE-colorendline | |
Set the auto save interval | setautosaveinterval | IDE-setautosaveinterval | |
Length of the command history | commandhistorylength | IDE-commandhistorylength | |
Max Length Line | maxlinelength | IDE-maxlinelength | |
Wait time before displaying value | hovertimeout | IDE-hovertimeout | |
Timeout for stopping a interaction processs | timeoutstopprocess | IDE-timeoutstopprocess | |
Color Hint | colorhint | IDE-colorhint | |
Color Selected | colorselected | IDE-colorselected | |
Blinking rate cursor | blinkingrate | IDE-blinkingrate | |
Color Variable | colorvariable | IDE-colorvariable | |
Color of a false feature | colorfalsefeature | IDE-colorfalsefeature | |
Color of a true feature | colortruefeature | IDE-colortruefeature | |
Color Backquote | colorbackquote | IDE-colorbackquote | |
Color collapsed code | colorcollapsed | IDE-colorcollapsed | |
Color comment instructions | colorcommentinstructions | IDE-colorcommentinstructions | |
Color Quote | colorquote | IDE-colorquote | |
Set the java look and feel | setlookandfeel | IDE-setlookandfeel | |
Set the length of a tab character | tablength | IDE-tablength | |
Width of tab for load | tabwidth | IDE-tabwidth | |
Show Help | help | <F1> | IDE-help |
Hyperspec Help | hyperspec | <F2> | IDE-hyperspec |
Hyperspec Context Help | hyperspeccontext | <Shift-F1> | IDE-hyperspeccontext |
Show/Hide Hint | togglehint | <Alt-Space> | IDE-togglehint |
Split Vertical | splitvertical | IDE-splitvertical | |
Split Horizontal | splithorizontal | IDE-splithorizontal | |
Search And Replace | searchandreplace | <Ctrl-R> | IDE-searchandreplace |
Start Recording | startrecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-B> | IDE-startrecording |
Debug Document | debug | <F6> | IDE-debug |
Find And Replace | findandreplace | <Ctrl-F> | IDE-findandreplace |
Save File As | saveas | IDE-saveas | |
Directory of the HyperSpec files | hyperspecdir | IDE-hyperspecdir | |
Edit Watch | editwatch | IDE-editwatch | |
Open File | open | <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-F> | IDE-open |
Lisp Startup Script | lispstartupscript | IDE-lispstartupscript | |
New Interaction with CLISP | newinteractionclisp | IDE-newinteractionclisp | |
New Interaction with CMUCL | newinteractioncmucl | IDE-newinteractioncmucl | |
New Interaction with GCL | newinteractionsgcl | IDE-newinteractionsgcl | |
New Interaction with SBCL | newinteractionsbcl | IDE-newinteractionsbcl | |
Stop At | stopat | <F4> | IDE-stopat |
Stop Recording | stoprecording | <Ctrl-M><Ctrl-E> | IDE-stoprecording |
Stop Profiling | stopprofiling | IDE-stopprofiling | |
Switch | switch | <Ctrl-I> | IDE-switch |
Next | next | <Ctrl-T> | IDE-next |
Indentate on enter | indentateonenter | IDE-indentateonenter | |
Character completion | charactercompletion | IDE-charactercompletion | |
Highlight List | highlightlist | IDE-highlightlist | |
Line Numbers | linenumbers | IDE-linenumbers | |
Instrument the check after code | instrumentcheckerror | IDE-instrumentcheckerror | |
Instrument the debug after code | instrumentdebugafter | IDE-instrumentdebugafter | |
Automatic setting of current directory to project directory | clickProjectSetCurrentDirectory | IDE-clickprojectsetcurrentdirectory | |
Undo last edit | undo | <Alt-U> | IDE-undo |
Use tabs for indentation | usetabsforindentation | IDE-usetabsforindentation | |
Watch variable | watchleaf | IDE-watchleaf | |
Widen the selection | widenselection | <Ctrl-S><Ctrl-U> | IDE-widenselection |
Workaround CLISP bug | clispbug | IDE-clispbug | |
XSLT file for a lisp definition | xsltdefinition | IDE-xsltdefinition | |
XSLT for a Lisp package | xsltpackage | IDE-xsltpackage | |
XSLT file for all definitions | xsltdefinitions | IDE-xsltdefinitions | |
XSLT file for all the packages | xsltpackages | IDE-xsltpackages | |
Use asdf-install to install a lisp package | asdfinstall | IDE-asdfinstall |
key | action | Lisp Function | Description |
<Alt-C> | collaps | IDE-collaps | collaps |
<Alt-Down> | hintdown | IDE-hintdown | Go down in hint list |
<Alt-E> | expand | IDE-expand | expand |
<Alt-Enter> | replacebyhint | IDE-replacebyhint | Replace by the Hint |
<Alt-G> | gotoline | IDE-gotoline | Go to line |
<Alt-Left> | movetobeginlist | IDE-movetobeginlist | Move the cursor to begin list |
<Alt-N> | enclosenextform | IDE-enclosenextform | Enclose the currrent symbol or next element with parentheses |
<Alt-R> | redo | IDE-redo | Redo last edit |
<Alt-Right> | movetoendlist | IDE-movetoendlist | Move the cursor to end of list |
<Alt-Space> | togglehint | IDE-togglehint | Show/Hide Hint |
<Alt-T> | inserttab | IDE-inserttab | Insert Tab |
<Alt-U> | undo | IDE-undo | Undo last edit |
<Alt-Up> | hintup | IDE-hintup | Go up in hint list |
<Backspace> | backspace | IDE-backspace | Delete Previous Character |
<Ctrl-A> | movetobeginline | IDE-movetobeginline | Move the cursor to begin line |
<Ctrl-C> | sigint | IDE-sigint | Send Interrupt |
<Ctrl-D> | debugform | IDE-debugform | Debug Selection/Form |
<Ctrl-Delete> | cut | IDE-cut | cut |
<Ctrl-E> | movetoendline | IDE-movetoendline | Move the cursor to end of line |
<Ctrl-End> | movetoend | IDE-movetoend | Move the cursor to end of the document |
<Ctrl-Enter> | execute | IDE-execute | Execute |
<Ctrl-F> | findandreplace | IDE-findandreplace | Find And Replace |
<Ctrl-H> | selectcommand | IDE-selectcommand | Select command of command history |
<Ctrl-Home> | movetobegin | IDE-movetobegin | Move the cursor to the begin of the document |
<Ctrl-I> | switch | IDE-switch | Switch |
<Ctrl-Insert> | copy | IDE-copy | copy |
<Ctrl-K> | deleteline | IDE-deleteline | Delete the current line |
<Ctrl-L> | loadeditor | IDE-loadeditor | Load Editor Content |
<Ctrl-Left> | movetoprevleaf | IDE-movetoprevleaf | Move the cursor to prev word |
<Ctrl-M><Ctrl-B> | startrecording | IDE-startrecording | Start Recording |
<Ctrl-M><Ctrl-E> | stoprecording | IDE-stoprecording | Stop Recording |
<Ctrl-M><Ctrl-R> | replayrecording | IDE-replayrecording | Replay Recording |
<Ctrl-N> | searchforward | IDE-searchforward | Search Forward |
<Ctrl-P> | searchbackward | IDE-searchbackward | Search Backward |
<Ctrl-R> | searchandreplace | IDE-searchandreplace | Search And Replace |
<Ctrl-Right> | movetonextleaf | IDE-movetonextleaf | Move the cursor to next word |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-D> | shortenselection | IDE-shortenselection | Shorten the selection |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-E> | selectcurrentelement | IDE-selectcurrentelement | Select the current element |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-L> | selectline | IDE-selectline | Select the current line |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-T> | selecttoplevelelement | IDE-selecttoplevelelement | Select the toplevel element |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-U> | widenselection | IDE-widenselection | Widen the selection |
<Ctrl-S><Ctrl-W> | selectcurrentleaf | IDE-selectcurrentleaf | Select the current leaf |
<Ctrl-T> | next | IDE-next | Next |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-C> | exit | IDE-exit | Exit |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-E> | deletecurrentelement | IDE-deletecurrentelement | Delete the current element |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-F> | open | IDE-open | Open File |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Left> | moveopeninghook | IDE-moveopeninghook | Move the opening parenthese of the current form to the begin of the parent form. |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-Right> | moveclosinghook | IDE-moveclosinghook | Move the closing parenthese of the current form to the end of the parent form. |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-S> | save | IDE-save | Save File |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-T> | deletetoplevelelement | IDE-deletetoplevelelement | Delete the toplevel element |
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-W> | deletecurrentleaf | IDE-deletecurrentleaf | Delete the current leaf |
<Delete> | remove | IDE-remove | Delete Character |
<Down> | down | IDE-down | Move Down |
<F1> | help | IDE-help | Show Help |
<F10> | stopafter | IDE-stopafter | Stop After |
<F11> | addwatch | IDE-addwatch | Add Watch |
<F12> | setnewreturnvalue | IDE-setnewreturnvalue | Set New Return Value |
<F2> | hyperspec | IDE-hyperspec | Hyperspec Help |
<F4> | stopat | IDE-stopat | Stop At |
<F5> | continue | IDE-continue | Continue |
<F6> | debug | IDE-debug | Debug Document |
<F7> | stepinto | IDE-stepinto | Step Into |
<F8> | stepover | IDE-stepover | Step Over |
<F9> | togglebreakpoint | IDE-togglebreakpoint | Toggle Breakpoint |
<Left> | left | IDE-left | Move Left |
<Page Down> | pagedown | IDE-pagedown | Move one page down |
<Page Up> | pageup | IDE-pageup | Move one page up |
<Right> | right | IDE-right | Move Right |
<Shift-Delete> | delete | IDE-delete | delete |
<Shift-Enter> | return | IDE-return | Return |
<Shift-F1> | hyperspeccontext | IDE-hyperspeccontext | Hyperspec Context Help |
<Shift-F6> | undebug | IDE-undebug | Finish Debugging Document |
<Shift-F9> | togglecondbreakpoint | IDE-togglecondbreakpoint | Toggle Conditional Breakpoint |
<Shift-Insert> | paste | IDE-paste | paste |
<Shift-Tab> | indentateelement | IDE-indentateelement | Indentate Element |
<Tab> | indentate | IDE-indentate | Indentate Line |
<Up> | up | IDE-up | Move Up |